Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dear Tiffany/Carlos

0 Dear Tiffany/Carlos,
My friends say that I’m annoying and ignore me for long periods of time. Then, randomly, they’ll be nice again and come up to me and give me a hug. The issue is that they change on a dime. What should I do? I’m scared to say anything to offend them, because they won’t be my friends any more? I just want my friends back! Please Help.


A Confused Friend

Dear Confused Friend,

In this situation you have a few options to consider. First, you may want to try to talk to them, tell them how you feel, and ask them why they are treating you this way. If that doesn’t work then you could try to hang out with other people and see how they respond to your disconnection from the group of friends. If they confront you, you can respond by explaining to them how they treated you in the first place and that you didn’t appreciate it.
Yours truly,


Dear Confused Friend,
If these people were your true friends then they would not treat you this way. You should try to talk to them, tell them how you feel, and sit down with them and explain to them that you don’t like it when they ignore you. You could also ask them why they do this to you. You should not let them walk away and try to avoid the conversation because it needs to happen for their to be peace in between friends and it would be the best thing for your relationship.

Yours Truly,
Feel free to write in your own questions. Tiffany and Carlos would love to answer them.