Wednesday, April 21, 2010

An Interview with Sue Addy

An Interview with Sue Addy

Eagle Eye: How long have you been teaching at Emerson?
Sue Addy: This is my 11th year at Emerson, I'm completing my 11th year.

Eagle Eye: What was your dream as a child?
Sue Addy: My dream career as a child was to be a rancher, out west. (Laughs)

Eagle Eye: What is your favorite grade to teach and why?
Sue Addy: Oh, absolutely fifth grade, I just... the kids get your jokes.They understand what you're talking about. They're so smart, and so funny, we have a great time. Fifth grade.

Eagle Eye: What is your favorite hobby, outside of school?
Sue Addy: My favorite hobby outside of school would have to be, I think... gardening in my garden, and raising butterflies, and going out west, traveling.

Eagle Eye: What's the most important thing that people should know about you that they don't already?
Sue Addy: They should know that I also write poetry.g

Eagle Eye: What's your favorite place in the world?
Sue Addy: Colorado, definitely Colorado.

Eagle Eye: What's your favorite part of your curriculum?
Sue Addy: It's the social studies that I do, the raising of the butterflies, the civil war unit that I do, and the Amazon Rain forest which were just beginning now, that's my favorite part.

Eagle Eye: What got you to work at Emerson?
Sue Addy: I was in another school and a friend of mine knew I was unhappy and she put this tiny little newspaper ad taped to my desk and I saw it and that's what had me here.I hadn't even heard of Emerson till then.

Eagle Eye: What was your favorite grade as a child?
Sue Addy: My favorite grade as a child I think was fourth grade. I remember just having a blast. I don't remember learning anything. (Laughs). I just remember having fun.

By: Arjun and Abe