Wednesday, June 2, 2010



Louis Sachar, most famous for his book Holes, was signing at Nichola's books last Friday. He talked to fans about his new book, The Cardturner. The Cardturner is about a boy named Alton Richards who gets to play bridge with his blind Uncle, Trapp. Uncle Trapp is on the verge of dying, and Alton's mom needs his money to get a pool. So with luck, if Alton keeps on playing bridge with his Uncle, there's a chance the Richards might be in Trapp's will and gain his money.
This book is unlike Louis Sachar's other books. It's written in first person and the narrator often talks to the reader. For example, in chapter three, the narrotor realizes he hasn't told the reader his name yet:

"This is very embarrassing. Have you ever been in a situation where you've been with someone for a while and you don't know that person's name? It's too late to ask, but you know the longer you go without asking, the more awkward it will become. So even though you feel really stupid, you finally just have to bite the bullet and say, "By the way, what's your name?"
That's how I'm feeling right now, only in reverse. By the way, my name is Alton Richards. A talented author would have skillfully slipped that in earlier, probably on the very first page."

The Cardturner
by Louis Sachar

Louis Sachar didn't just talk, though, he answered many questions about his books, too:

EEE: Were you in the movie, Holes?
Louis: Yes, I was an extra. I said ' My head' when Sam poured the onion juice on my head, to grow hair (laughs). I still get money from having a speaking part (laughs). They become less and less as the years go by. I just got my last one two weeks ago for $2.50 (laughs).

EEE: We know you wanted to name your book, Holes, Wrong time, Wrong Place, Wrong kid, why did you name the book Holes?

Louis: Holes was the name I liked the best, I wasn't sure about it. I would speak at a school or something or at mostly talking about other books and say I was coming out with a new book called Holes.
"Holes. H-O-L-E-S".
And people would just kind of stare and I wasn't sure that it was such a great title. I did come up with that one title, Wrong Time, Wrong Place, Wrong Kid, but I still liked Holes the best.

EEE: Do you relate to any characters in your new book, The Cardturner?
(You can also see the videos posted below)
Louis: I think I relate to Alton, the 17 year-old boy in the book. I still feel kind of young even though I look old. I once asked my daughter though and she said I relate to someone in the book.
"You mean Alton, right?"
"No, Uncle Trapp."
So that's how our children see us, as a blind almost dying Great-uncle. (laughs)

So now that you got the inside scoop of the famous Louis Sachar, you can start reading his books, if you haven't already. You can check out his books, for the summer, from your local library.

By Schirin

(And Veronica who only typed up a sentence but still wants to be credited for it.)