Friday, April 30, 2010

Tyler's Father

Tyler's Father

Jacob runs through the hallway of the airport, his longish brown hair flying free and his unshaven face is pale. "Tyler!" he yells, and runs faster. his phone goes off in his pocket and he ignores it. It's only his secretary. Why did that meeting have to run over? He thinks, "You could have stopped it." He gasps to himself, still running.
When he get's there, the plane hasn't come in yet. Which is strange. Jacob had picked this airline for his son specifically because it doesn't run late. At least now I have time to wait for Tyler, he thinks, and whips out his phone. 6 missed calls. Just what he gets for running through the airport and ignoring his phone. He can't afford to get behind on his work. The company will tank, and with so many investors interested.... He doesn't even want to think about what might happen.
He just wished he could spend more time with Tyler. He's growing up so fast. It seems just yesterday to Jacob that Tyler was sitting there crying about missing his mother. In truth, Jacob missed her too. But after her death he forced himself more and more into his work. He didn't realize until it was to late, until Tyler had been left behind. But that was ok, because after Jacob had finished this deal, he could sell the company and he and Tyler would be set for life.
Just after this deal.
But jacob knew this deal wouldn't be the last. It was an emotional attachment to work, he was married to it in a sense. It had taken over his life, barely even leaving time for Tyler. And Tyler wanted to spend time with his dad. His dream had always been for his Father to take a week off of work and teach him how to play baseball, football, soccer. After this deal, Jacob promised himself, he would.
Why wasn't the plane in yet? It should be in by now? Jacob thought. By now he had been sitting here for ten minutes. his phone went off again, but Jacob didn't even move. Let them call him. he was working on being a Father.
He could still remember the day Tyler had been born. He was so proud. he was finally a dad. It scared him because he knew he'd be bad at it. And look, he proved himself right. His wife would have been a fantastic mother. She had been a fantastic mother. So fantastic, it was ok he wasn't around. Because she made up for it.
he could remember the first time he went away to work. he called Tyler into his office, and helped him into a large comfortable chair the leaned back against his mahogany desk. Tyler had been five, and the chair made him seem even smaller then he was. Jacob remembered chuckling to himself. "Tyler," he had said, "I'm going away now. Please, take care of your mother."
"Yes sir." Tyler had told him, smiling, proud to be given the responsibility. 'I won't let you down."
"You won't. I know it." Jacob had told his son, just as the the phone had gone off. "Go ahead and play. It's a business call." Tyler had nodded, and Jacob sat in his favorite chair behind the desk and picked the phone, turning around. He didn't realize it, but Tyler had stayed right there, waiting for his dad.
Jacob's phone went off again, and this time it shocked him, startling him out of his memory. Oops. He picked up the phone. "Hello?"
It was his secretary. "Dang it. Why haven't you picked up the phone? Never mind." She muttered, never giving him to answer. "We have an issue. Come home from the airport so you can deal with it. It's big. And it's bad."
"No." Jacob's voice was firm.
"Pardon me? You have to come home. Trust me on this. This is bad." her voice wavered slightly, like she was holding in tears.
"I heard you the first time. manage without me. I have to wait for my son."
"That's the issue."
"It's a issue that I'm waiting for my son? Dang it, I never got to be a good father before. I've decided to start now! I will wait for my son!"
"I'm afraid -" She stopped, still fighting back tears, "I'm afraid you're a bit to late."
"What do you mean?" His voice grew louder.
"The plane crashed. There were no survivors." She started to cry and he clicked his phone shut.
His eyes cleared to the scene around him. people were crying all around him, sobbing. The lady at the desk was sobbing, the news showing pictures of the horrendous recent plane crash, and the list of people on board.
Jacob stood up, looked around once more and ran. He couldn't stay here. Not now, not after this.
He ran until he was out of the airport, ran until he could run no more. He plopped down in the grass, arms spread wide, tears falling from his cheeks and leaking over his chin. "Why?" he whispered, "Why?"
Suddenly, his phone went off. He looked around for and realized it was still in his hand. he looked at it strangely. Should he answer it? That was odd. He peered closer. it was Tyler's cellphone number. But he had it with him on the plane...?
He put the phone to his ear.
"Hello?" he choked out, no other words coming.
"Hi dad." Tyler's voice echoed over the speaker.
"Tyler? Are you OK? Are you hurt?"
"Um.... No?" Tyler answered, slightly confused.
"Why weren't you on the plane?" Jacob gasped out.
"I was late. I'm sorry." Tyler apologized, fear heavy in his voice.
"Don't be." Jacob muttered, then stood up. "My God. You're alive. Oh, Goodness. You're alive. Alive. ALIVE!" Jacob yelled as loud as he could.
"Yeah..." Jacob could almost hear Tyler talking in the background.
"Wait." Jacob asked his son, "Why were you late?"
"I have a girlfriend..." Tyler muttered. Jacob bit back a gasp.
"Really?" He could almost see Tyler flinch worried about that girl and his future with her. Jacob laughed. "Well, bring her home. I'll pay for the plane ticket. And then you and I can play ball, soccer, football and I can meet your girl."
"Dad." Tyler sighed. "You can't. You have your business to run."
"What business?" Jacob asked, "Oh, that one? I'm taking the year off. It's time for me to be the Father you deserve."
"Really Dad?" Tyler's voice was hopeful.
"Really. Hey, I'm going to go make final preparations for me leaving. I'll have my secretary email you all the crap you need to get on that plane with your girl. I'll talk to you later tonight."
"Thanks Dad." Tyler said before hanging up.
"It's time for me to be the Father he deserves." Jacob muttered, "And I can't wait."

By: Lauren