Friday, May 7, 2010

Nature Center Help

Nature Center Help

Recently with the Gulf Coast Oil Spill, people have been pretty concerned about the environment. It has been said,"think globally, act locally." Well now's your chance. Tim Wilson, former headmaster of Emerson, now a sixth grade and eighth grade science teacher and founder of the Emerson Nature Center, is having his 6th grade students work on the nature center. They're going to be building new paths, destroying debris, cleaning up the pond and planting new trees and plants. However two of them have even bigger plans. Two sixth grade students named Arjun and Bernie are planning to "create a new boardwalk, by that swamp marsh area in the Nature Center," (Arjun). The reason is that when teachers want to show their kids the swamp life, they can get a good view without stepping in mud and spoiling their shoes. The boardwalk will not directly affect the swamp as it will just loom over it. However, Tim Wilson told the students that they would need to work, "extra hours," and that it would require full commitment. They can't do it alone. They need assistance and the more people the better, no matter what you can do. Remember every little person makes the difference and Tim says that it is the ",young passionate people like you who carry on this world and science and nature."
Please Contact Arjun or Bernie if you would like to help.
Article by Arjun
Photos by Zeb