Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Robbery Suspects Caught on Emerson Grounds

On Saturday, May 22 Police gave chase to a getaway car from a robbery of a home on Ellsworth Rd. in Lodi Township. The suspect vehicle traveled north on Zeeb Rd. In the meantime the police set up a barricade on the corner of Zeeb Rd. and Scio Church Rd. The five men in the car driving north saw the police car blocking the road and they jumped out, the car continued moving and crashed into the SUV police car. The men ran in all directions and two of them ran onto the Emerson grounds. One ran down into the nature center past all the volunteers and campfire boys, who were building a gate for our nature center. The man continued running towards the school building itself. He ran into the space between the gym and the portable, which was a dead end. He ended up hiding in the trash cans on the ramp to the portable. Both guys who ran onto the Emerson property were arrested, and one more was arrested who jumped out of the car. The other two men are known but not yet arrested. The investigation is still continuing, and the Emerson faculty will keep you all informed.
By: Sydney