Thursday, October 28, 2010

Recycled Paper
    The Emerson Eagle Eye is now being printed on recycled paper in order for this school to continue its reputation as a Green School.  Recycled paper saves our valuable natural resources, saves energy, saves our trees, and helps our over-crowded landfills.  Paper that is collected for recycling is sorted according to the type of mill that will use it. Most recovered office paper can be sent to a deinking mill, which separates the ink, coatings and other extra materials from the paper fibers.  The fibers are then sent to a paper machine to be made into new paper.  For paper to be classified as recycled the EPA guidelines require minimums of 30% post-consumer content for most uncoated printing and writing papers.
    The newspaper staff has seen these benefits  and decided they would be better for the environment .  Mr. Loewen is researching different types of paper and we are deciding which to buy.